June is terrain month

After finishing May with a healthy 20 miniatures painted and meeting my painting goal for the year, I've decided to dedicate June to getting some terrain projects done, in particular my latest modular dungeon.  From a blogging  perspective, I don't know how interesting it will be for me to post pictures of corners or hallways that all really look alike, but to keep the blog up-to-date I'll try to at least get something up each week.

I did receive a couple of miniatures recently, two free ghouls from Mantic Games and a Reaper dwarf for my D&D game, so as plaster sets I may still get a few miniatures painted in the month of June.


  1. Wargames Factory have announced that the Shock Troopers won't be here until the end of June. So, I really won't be missing out much working on terrain.


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