Some more post-apocalyptic figures

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I'm still just bouncing around at the moment between miniatures.  These are three various Mutant Chronicles figures, all painted to match my others, at least roughly.  The stain really is too red and brown; I think I will be going to the hardware store to look for something else to use.

At some point I will be finding a game in which to use these figures as well.


  1. It's nice to see how a simple uniform paint scheme can tie sculpts from three different factions into one unit :)... Nice choice of basing it really helps contrast the dark and gritty feel of the troops.

  2. Man, oh man, these guys look good. Not too red or brown from this vantage point. I simply love, love, love these older Mutant Chronicles figs, but I don't have the three you've shown here. So jealous...


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